JUDAS PRIEST Warn Against Buying Fake 'Meet-And-Greet' Passes

April 26, 2005

JUDAS PRIEST Management Co-Ordinator Jayne Andrews has issued the following update via the group's web site:

"We are being asked by many fans if they can 'buy passes to the meet-and-greets that will be held at the venues' during our U.S. tour. Please note we have not agreed to any general meet-and-greets at venues and nor have the venues!! This information is incorrect and is not coming from us!!

"The only meet-and-greets we are arranging are though bona fide radio station competitions or agreed promotional ones — and you have to win the competition to be a part of them!! There are no passes for sale!!! If anyone buys one, then trust me, they will not be genuine and will not be valid for anything!!! We don't want anyone to be disappointed by thinking they have a pass to a JUDAS PRIEST meet-and-greet and then discover that they haven't!!!"

JUDAS PRIEST's North American tour will kick off May 30 at the Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

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